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Best Nursery Schools in Moshi | Nursery School near Me | Grade 1 School - V H School
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The key to nursery education is to provide children with a warm, safe environment where they feel comfortable to explore. And it’s through exploring that a child will learn.

At VHEMS for Nursery, we don’t believe in pushing a child to learn when they are not ready. They have years and years of formal education ahead of them. It’s not constructive to make pre-schoolers sit down formally to learn. What we do believe in is giving children the tools they need for school and letting them learn both indoors and outdoors. It means giving them the language and communication skills to express themselves. That means talking to children, teaching them songs and reading, reading and reading to them. Children love stories and that’s one of the best ways they can learn. It also means listening to them and showing them that what they say is important. It means recognising simple numbers, but not through rote learning. That means counting the number of sticks they find in the playground, counting how many blocks they have used to build a tower or how many candles they have on their birthday cake. The VH English Medium School preschool in Moshi includes Nursery school for kids, playgroup, and kindergarten for kids of different age groups.

We are preparing children for school in all sorts of ways- through learning to interact with their peers, through being physical, through learning self-hygiene to recognising their own feelings and how to manage them.
The team at VHEMS nursery teaches children at an early age so they improved social and emotional skills, behavioural problems and Self-confidence gained by learning in a playful manner which adds to the personality and the development of the child. Childhood education specialists claim that young children learn best when they have an opportunity to interact with their peers, and their parents and instructors treat them kindly. They bloom well in a tension free environment. Besides they comprehend and learn things better if they are introduced to new things in small portions. VH English Medium School provide you with the best environment and Pre nursery school activities in Moshi for your kids.

Salient Features of VHEMS

  • A good head starts for learning.
  • Teaching in a fun-filled way play method.
  • Putting children on a path of lifelong learning.
  • Higher development in language and mathematical skills.
  • A great opportunity to develop social skills.
  • Exposure to enhance communication skills.


Learning Goals in VHEMS Nursery

  • Children learn a great deal in a nursery. The emphasis is on the cognitive development of the child as learning is due to practice and interaction in a big group.
  • Social interaction is the second most important feature of nursery education. The kids learn to interact with children of their own age in a supervised environment.  
  • Playing with mud, holding crayons, practising free colouring and writing on board helps in the motor development of the children. Both fine motor & gross motor development takes place by the various activities performed in the classroom under the supervision of trained teachers. 
  • The child is prepared for the curriculum of the structured schools.
  • They learn to identify their belongings like their own bag, napkin and water bottle. These are the real treasures of the children of this age.
  • The children are involved in oral activities like poem recitation, storytelling, role-playing, singing song. All these activities help in improving their oratory skills. They learn to speak in groups. They also develop the confidence of speaking in front of small groups. Repeated recitations of poems and story enactments on stage.
  • Children get toilet trained.
  • Time management is another important feature of a nursery. Children learn, circle time, play time, lunch time, story time and fun time.
  • Phonological awareness – is the most important feature of nursery education. Children learn to identify the sounds of the alphabet. They learn to recognise the alphabet by listening to the sound.
  • Pre-writing skills developed by the use of colouring with crayons and writing on the whiteboard in a freestyle manner.
    Nursery education is the need of the time as most of the parents are working and do not have quality time to spend with their children. Most of the babies are left at home with grandparents or helpers who are not able to guide them the way they should be.


"For Every Mother Her Child Is the Best in The World", therefore we would advise all the mothers to be brave enough to part with their young ones and send them to a NURSERY.